My portfolio hasn't been updated since the start of the academic year and includes most of my undergraduate work. What I showed today was the work from my previous project 'The Parking Towers'.
I explained that I was apprehensive about printing and presenting my recent work in my portfolio as it was a very typical student style portfolio and I felt I was ready to move away from that. I want to introduce an online portfolio and a digital way of presenting my work. Michael and Stephen explained that it was actually a good idea to move toward a digital/online presence but it was also a good idea to have printed documents to show in case of IT failure and also to fill in time.
But what does my portfolio need to be successful in finding a job or route into work.
-A range of different visuals and images. Have both photo-real and stylistic type renders.
-Include animations and walkthroughs.
-Show different techniques and structure types.
-Showcase skill types. Rendering glass, water, grass, etc.
Another thing I got from my portfolio review is that I need to look into which companies I could work for and how what I want to achieve will fit into the workplace. What is unique about me?
Creating an online presence is also something I plan on doing but it was suggested that using a template for the website will give the wrong impression as it does not reflect me as a visualiser/illustrator. Its a good idea to design the look of the website and commission a web designer to create it. This is something I plan to look into but it is not a priority at this point. The main thing i want to focus on is creating the work to put in my portfolio and developing a starting block online to showcase it and then develop this into a complete self promotional package which will also include business cards and letterheads (CV).
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